Find a postal code in Málaga

This place has different names in different languages:
In Spanish: Málaga Bootstrap
In Catalan: Màlaga
In English: Málaga

Málaga has several possible postal codes. To know which one to use, please enter below the first line of the address, which will usually contain a house number and a street name:

About Málaga

Administrative data:
  • Province: Málaga
    In Spanish: Málaga Bootstrap
    In English: Malaga
  • Autonomous community: Andalucía
    In Spanish: Andalucía Bootstrap
    In Catalan: Andalusia
    In Basque: Andaluzia
    In English: Andalusia
Population - 579,076
Málaga ( MAL-ə-gə, Spanish: [ˈmalaɣa] ) is a municipality of Spain, capital of the Province of Málaga, in the autonomous community of Andalusia. With a population of 578,460 in 2020, it is the second-…
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